ubackup Documentation


Database Servers

You can review all your currently defined database servers using your local ubackup instance by accessing the Backup > Database Servers page. A list of all your database servers is presented.

Database Servers

Click the Display Icon Display Icon to review the log of the last database server backup. The log includes progress messages and error messages (if any).

Click the Edit Icon Edit Icon to change a database server's settings.

Click on the Delete Icon Delete Icon to remove a database server's settings.

Click on the Backup Icon Backup Icon to run a backup for the database server immediately. Once the backup is started, by clicking the Display Icon Display Icon the progress of the backup can be reviewed. Startup of the backup may be delayed if ubackup is already performing a backup of a database server. While a backup is in progress for a database server, the Cancel Icon Cancel Icon is shown instead of the Backup Icon Backup Icon.

The Cancel Icon Cancel Icon can be used to cancel a currently running backup.

The Add Link below the list is used to add a new database server.

Adding A Database Server

When adding a database server, the database server connection is defined using the DB Server tab. Backups to the local file system can be defined on the Folder Backup tab. Backups to an FTP server are defined using the FTP Backup tab. Notifications (email and text messages) can be defined on the Notifications tab. The Schedule tab is used to define the backup schedule for the database server.

Add Database Server